FFftPP: Fortuitous Journey

It was against the law for any citizen of Jarthopia to enter the site of the portal, but Edomar was only 264 years old (still quite young in Jarthopian years) and his curiosity got the better of him.

There had been a blinding light and he’d ended up on Earth, a planet he’d studied and people he’d come to despise, in his Science class. But he had greatly admired the spectrum of colours these callous humans had been blessed with, as his home planet was mostly colourless, with just a few hues of bistre.

After his initial shock had subsided, he’d tried for weeks to return but those had turned to months and then years.

Eddie (as he now called himself) refused to give up, until he’d met her. She was kind, genuine (not like most humans whose minds he’d read) and would unselfishly offer help, without the expectation of anything else in return, quite a rare quality in a human being..

For the first time in years Eddie wasn’t too despondent with the thought of spending the rest of his life on Earth.

Written for Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner

About swritings

Author: Ugly Aphrodite (Available on Amazon Kindle) Ah, the need to get your thoughts out there! Happy reading folks!
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19 Responses to FFftPP: Fortuitous Journey

  1. Yinglan says:

    People don’t call love’s more powerful than magic for nothing. It’s so powerful that it made Eddie love humans instead of hating them. Great story. Nicely written.

  2. mandibelle16 says:

    Hmmm, sometimes I think there is such a thing as fate or divine providence of some kind that turns seemingly hopeless situations (well situations we deem hopeless) into truly wonderful happiness and new beginnings. I hope Eddie remains on earth for her 🙂

  3. Jenn says:

    An unconventional love story. Nice job.

  4. This is such a good tale SW, the concept of life on earth being not so alone is interesting….many might suggest this is the best version of hell you might ever experience. But love can cure most ills and its good he found it…..happy Easter to you….

  5. The Voice says:

    Good for Edomar. Being stranded sucks, but companionship goes a long way in making a bad situation better.

  6. Love will do that to you. Sweet story!

  7. luckyjc007 says:

    A lovely story. Just meeting the right person can make all the difference in the world.

  8. Sonya says:

    Poor guy – imagine being stuck here with the ability to read minds. Fingers crossed he’s found his girl… Lovely story 🙂

  9. I love that he’s 264 and still young! That would make us all babies (which would explain a lot of our behavior, I suppose)!

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